Globalization offers extraordinary business openings, yet bears numerous dangers also. Longan commerce and consulting is one of the main global business advancement consulting firms with an emphasis on the African market for little, medium-sized and enormous partnerships to achieve development through maintainable and effective venture into worldwide business

The present worldwide fastest developing organizations and business openings are in developing countries or emerging markets. In any case, the unpredictability and the difficulties in such business sectors bear chances which most financial specialists are hesitant to wander

Longan commerce and consulting comes in at this point. We help our customers to construct good global impressions, boosting their potential against quick changing business sectors and local contenders. Global extension is an endeavour that requires proper due industriousness so as to moderate dangers and expand the odds of accomplishment.

We help our clients break down their possibilities, crosschecking their viability for the worldwide development. After which the appropriate business sectors are distinguished along with the customer. At long last, a procedure is created to fit the qualities of our customers, while managing them through their venture into the chose market.

LCC international markets

We are experts for business venture into the African market and our administrations include: 

  • Identification and choice of likely geographic business markets 
  • Market opportunity appraisal
  • Formulation of market entry methodology 
  • Support in actualizing suggested market entry methodology 
  • Representation (in Africa) and business patnering 
  • Intercultural uphold (in Africa) – interpretation, social orientation.